It’s easier than you think!

Contact your financial advisor or Louise Ebeltoft, Carty House Manager of Operations and Refugee Services at

Thank you for considering this lasting gift!

“I want to support Carty House in the present, but I also believe legacy planning is important.”
-Paul H.

Donor Paul H. recently added Carty House to his will. He agreed to share a bit more about this decision and his interest in supporting Carty House in this way.

What drew you to think of adding Carty House to your will?

As a retired civil servant, I have spent my career as a policy advisor in the areas of finance and trade, both here in Canada and at the international level. I was attracted to Carty House’s mission of specifically assisting female refugees. In my work and travels, I saw how vulnerable women are, especially those arriving alone in a new country. Places like Carty House can help these women integrate into Canada and realize their full potential.

Why was it important to name Carty House in your will at this time?
I believe that regularly updating your will is important. I want to support Carty House in the present, but I also believe legacy planning is important. Updating a will need not be complicated. It’s important to make sure whatever you leave goes to those you want to help. I encourage others to consider their own legacy giving too.